A Bounty of Health

A Bounty of Health
We're gonna live large this week!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Beginnings

We are well into January and most of us have probably made some kind of resolve to change some habits and eat healthier. The Whole Foods, Plant Based Living for Kids blog wants to help you along the way. I have to confess that recently I have been allowing myself too many "treats."

True Confessions:

  • I recently bought donut holes AND ate them.
  • My sweet spot is "Hint of Lime" chips with salsa. The salsa is good....but the chips are LOADED with fat and not whole grain. Yes, I've indulged.
  • M&Ms. Need I say more.
One site I look to over and over again for good recipes is "Whole Foods." They have a series of Health Starts Here recipes that are a surefire way to get back up on the horse. Check them out here.
I recommend the "Grain Stuffed Red Peppers." Share some new recipes you've tried that are keeping you on the straight and narrow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


From today's Anticancer, a new way of life post:
The average teen consumes 28 teaspoons of added sugar per day - The American Heart Association
 How much sugar do you take in each day? Pick a day this week and count the grams of sugar you eat. Are you surprised?
Don't forget about 21-Day Vegan Jumpstart. It's in full swing but you can still sign up for emails here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2: Vegan Kickstart

It's not too late to jump on board with PMRC's Vegan Kickstart. It's only Day 2. In the spotlight today: NBA basketball player John Salley. Even if you haven't committed to following the meal plans they outline, they have really good tips for healthy eating. Today's tip from Susan:

Cooking greens is easy, and the nutrients are abundant. Some greens have tougher stems- collards, kale, and chard-and it may be preferable to remove them before cooking. Others have stems that cook tender: spinach, watercress, and turnip greens. Adding a little lemon juice or vinegar to your cooked greens makes some of the nutrients even more bioavailable.

Buy some greens on your next shopping trip and add some lemon. If you're still eating meat, steam some greens and put chicken breast on top of it. Try it as a side. Start small, about a scoop full. Let us know about your experience.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kickstart the New Year

PCRM (Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine) began a new Vegan Kickstart for the new year. Are you joining? Lots of recipe ideas, tips, menus and videos to get you started. Check it out at:


Add Your Voice!

New survey up on the blog. Do you have any New Year's goals for adding whole foods to your diet? Chime in!