A Bounty of Health

A Bounty of Health
We're gonna live large this week!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Guest Blogger: Nelia!

I was going to discuss nuts today, since it’s the Christmas season. I love nuts and I love that stores sell them in the shell (and also shelled): children (and adults) LOVE to crack nuts. I remember one of my daughter's preschool centers was cracking nuts, although each child could only crack 2 per day.

Today, I’m going to interview a “nut”: my daughter Nelia. I hope you enjoy a child’s perspective of whole foods, plant-based eating.

Q: What do you like about being vegan?

N: I’m not a vegan.

Q: What are you?

N: I’m not a carnivore, I’m not a vegan, I’m not a vegetarian.

Q: Do you eat animal products?

N: Yes. I do.

Q: Like what?

N: Meat, eggs, cheese, yogourt.

Q: Do you drink milk?

N: No, not animal milk. I drink Almond milk. Original.

Q: Did you like switching to Almond milk?

N: No, at first I didn’t. But I got used to it and, yeah.

Q: What fruit do you like?

N: Canteloupe, a lot. And, well, oranges, apples, raspberries, blueberries.

Q: What about veggies?

N: Carrots. Cauliflower, lettuce. That’s really all.

Q: What do you like about how eating plant food helps the environment?

N: Actually, it doesn’t really help the environment because you’re taking fresh air out of the planet. Cause when you…plants give you oxygen. If you see lettuce just anywhere or a plant and you pick it up and then they die for a flower.

Q: What about being green? Are you green?

N: Yes, I am very much. I like recycling and I once picked up trash in our neighborhood.

Q: Are you motivated to eat well so you can be healthy?

N: Kind of. If I have too much energy, then I’ll go crazy. If I have too much energy, then I’ll get hyper if I don’t let it out, because if I have a bunch of healthy stuff then it gives me energy in school and I’ll be sitting in school.

Q: So, is that why you still eat animal products?

N: Well, yeah. I still need my protein. I can’t live without bacon!

Q: What would you tell other people who are trying to eat healthy by eating more plant foods?

N: Well, I would tell them it’s okay to have some cheese or milk, because those don’t really make your stomach upset, and I would tell them that cut off the sugar a little bit.

Q: How do you cut off sugar?

N: Well, you can like, have ice cream once in a while and popsicles once in a while. You should get things with low sugar, like when I eat my popsicles they are real fruit juice. The flavoring and coloring [of popsicles in general] have sugar in it, and it’s not healthy for you. The real fruit juice has less sugar and it’s healthier for you.

Q: Have you given up candy?

N: Um, well, yeah, kind of. I still eat ice cream and popsicles, but that’s not really candy.

Q: What candy do you eat?

N: Only sometimes I have candy, and it’s usually like Reece’s or Snickers because they handed out Snickers in church once and [my teacher] Mrs. Jackson hands out Snickers and Reece’s.

Q: Thanks for sharing, Nelia.

N: You’re welcome.

Well, folks, that’s the real, hard truth in our household. She’s obviously half on board. Lourdes, her sister, declined an interviewed. She would have made me look like a much better WFPB mom! That’s the reality in our family: two of us are die-hard and two are, well, holding their own!

I hope you find some good, quality choices this Christmas and New Year’s, but, as Nelia said, it’s okay to still have some animal products and sugar…once in a while.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Green Smoothies

I didn't post last week. Sorry! I have been working on other projects, but, in the meantime, my enthusiasm has not waned for the smoothie. In fact, it has only increased. Breakfast is the perfect and probably best meal to put all of your efforts into. You probably reap the most rewards from this meal. Your body is just gearing back up into full swing from "rest" mode and you need calories -- and nutrients that count. I keep hearing experts talk about making breakfast that big meal, not dinner. The smoothie is the best way I've discovered so far to get those calories in, but I'm talking about valuable calories -- calories that pack a punch.

I've discovered a really great addition for the smoothie, which I heard about multiple times but never came across any in the stores around my area. I finally happened upon a "green" product for smoothies at Trader Joe's. Love them! They have their own brand, called "Trader Joe's Super Green Drink" powder, and there's two flavors. I chose berry. This honestly tastes like chalk when  mixed with Almond Milk (vanilla flavored Almond Milk, no less). I didn't care, though. I have been faithfully putting a schoop of green drink powder in my morning smoothie. Everything else that I put into the smoothie masks this unpleasant taste. The "pièce de résistance": it provides 8000 units of Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) per scoop. Now, the label says that if I were to eat 3.5 oz of cherries, I would get 670 ORAC units. Broccoli is 900 ORAC. I was impressed the moment I read the label. But what was this ORAC?  (This cool site lists lots of of ORAC foods values.

ORAC is basically a term that describes the power that antioxidents have. Remember I was putting a few handfuls of spinach or kale in my smoothie? Well, this by far replaces that!

Now, you may think I'm a hypocrite for endorsing a powder product. "Whole Food" appears in the title of the blog, so how can  I recommend this? Well, it's called reality I guess. I'm sure there's purists out there who are aghast at what I just said. However, I'm a realist. We take baby steps here that we hope will lead to lifelong lifestyle changes.
Another check in the "plus" column for green powder is that the entire canister was $20.00 for a month's worth of servings. I figured that cost less than buying spinach or kale (in the same quantities)  for the month. Never mind the care to keep the kale fresh, or to cook it, bag it, etc. This seems like a no brainer for busy moms, students, people who work, or people who are currently alive on this planet. (Once the spring and summer harvest hit, though, I'll have to go back to fresh greens.)
Think about it. If I could one day (insert evil laugh here) sneak this into my children's smoothies, I'll have hit the jackpot. Of course, the "green" color of the powder completely takes over the smoothie, unless I include berries, and the girls will spot the intruder within a nanosecond of me handing them the smoothie. That is, if I can even get Lourdes to eat a smoothie! She's still a work in progress in the smoothie department. I'm thinking about sitting them down and just talking to them about veggies and what this powder does. I'm already brainstorming ideas for how to present these powerhouse ORACs. I have to get creative. Pull out all the stops. Put my dignity and respect on  hold. Truly, I'm thinking this might go the same way that flaxseed did. They tasted a pinhead's amount of ground flaxseed; their highly sophisticated, highly trained tastebuds detected no offending flavors. I'm now allowed to sprinkle flaxseed, in small amounts -- not nearly the heaping 1 teaspoon that I use, on sandwiches and so forth.
If I start small, maybe they'll let me sprinkle some green powder in a smoothie or even on peanut butter. I can tell you that I feel great getting two servings of veggies (AND 6000 ORACs) along with 3 servings of fruit in my breakfast alone. Top that with flaxseed and I'm already ahead of the game on my omega 3s for the day. Almond milk provides healthy fats and peanut butter some good protein. I drink this around 7:30am and I'm honestly full until about 11:00am, when I usually have another snack.
I'll keep you posted on "the talk." For now, let me know what kind of smoothies you're trying at home. Are you  "green" yet?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Smoothie Heaven

Yummo. Jamba Juice. Orange Julius. Healthy Homemade. Which one of these is not like the other! Do you remember the Sesame Street lyrics? 

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!

(See the video on YouTube!)

I'm taking you waaaaay back now, aren't I?

Smoothies are a great way to get your fill of nutrients and super foods; however, most commercial smoothies are high in sugar and sometimes fat. A real-fruit smoothie can get really pricey, too.

I’ve taken to having a smoothie each morning to get a couple of servings of fruit and veggies in, along with some other goodies. I’m trying desperately to get our girls on board, but they are just not biting…or are they?

This is generally what’s in my smoothie:

Mixed frozen berries
Almond Butter
2 handfuls of spinach (sometimes kale)

I’m a good mother, so of course I want the girls to experience the same awesomeness of flavors and health, right?

The girls have other ideas, however. Lourdes wants just a banana and almond milk. Nelia wants to use her favorite raspberry yogourt and frozen raspberries. Well, what’s wrong with me? Let 'em have at it! I’ve forgotten the baby steps motto. My protégées are voicing their desires and willing to try it, but I’m already miles ahead wanting them to seriously consider putting raw spinach into a drink. Hello! Let me take a moment to get back up on that proverbial horse.

I didn't know this blog would give me the opportunity to scold myself, er, rather realize the potential that can come from this. I'm always learning and failing and trying again, too. We’ll probably have smoothie snacks when they get home from school - THEIR WAY.

If you’re a parent trying to change your child’s diet, let him start with what he likes If you’re an adult and you’re trying to change your own eating as well, don’t despise small beginnings. When you get brave, add some spinach, or compromise and add one leaf at a time. You won’t even know it’s there; I promise.

Another thing for parents to consider is age appropriateness. I find that Lourdes is much more rational, probably because she’s almost 11 and is on the cusp of the cognitive thinking stage. I can usually talk to her about the facts and she’s able to make a good decision. Nelia, who’s 8, on the other hand, is still a card carrying member of the “I don’t have to if I don’t want to” club. ‘Nuff said! Introducing new things and being content with what she will eat, for now, is progress. Consider your child’s stage of development and their personality, and go easy on yourself. Consider your own development, too! Baby steps. We'll all get “there” soon enough.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Almond milk: the new dairy in my life

You can’t miss the attention plant-based eating is getting. Even former President Clinton has gone on record advancing plant-based eating as the x-factor in reversing his own heart disease.

I can feel the ground shaking already. Dairy has been a bastion of the American lifestyle, much like red meat. However, there is solid evidence that consuming animal products increases the risks of various diseases (see The China Study). Milk, along with cereal products, is fortified with things like Vitamin B12 and D and has been touted as the catchall savior to mask the many nutrients and vitamins that are missing in the American diet.

Almond milk is one plant-based option to replace milk. I imagined myself drinking glorious glass after glorious glass of almond milk, but how would my family accept this change? My husband, Paul, who will enthusiastically eat any and every food item served to him, balked the most. My partner-in-healthy-eating abandoned me when I needed him most. He was surely resting on his traditional laurels.

I wasn’t quite sure how even I would perceive this unfamiliar milk alternative.  I have always loved milk. I’m not a freak about it, like people who have to drink milk with fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies; however, milk was like my favorite pair of winter p.j.’s: warm, comfortable, and we knew each other well. My favorite evening snack is a bowl of cereal with milk. I ended up trying several varieties of almond milk, unsweetened, original, and vanilla, until I found one I liked. I was disappointed that the consistency was so creamy, but I had been drinking skim milk my entire life; what did I expect? Apple juice is thicker than skim milk!

I spent many a morning and evening laying it on rather thickly, escalating “ooohs” and “mmmms” heard over my cereal bowl with almond milk.  I wasn’t untruthful. I really did like it, but I desperately wanted Lourdes and Nelia to notice what a great life I was living, high off the fat of the land of some almond farmer in California.

Such good sports they were. My ploy worked and they were willing to try it. Nobody hurled or gagged. Just acceptance.  I now had two cohorts on board, and Paul eventually got in the action as well.

Our daughters are now split down the middle on variety. There are hotly-contested debates on the qualities of Original vs. Vanilla. Which makes me happy. No, makes me giddy! Passionate discussion means love. They love almond milk.

If you want to get in on plant-based goodness and can imagine your face on a carton of “almond milk,” dive in, my friends. If the strange names of whole grains like quinoa and kamut freak you out, start with milk. You have to model what you teach to get your family on board. Wait for your kids to get curious. If you have to beg, do it. Let them try a small amount with some cereal, hot chocolate, or some other favorite. If they hate it, wait, and have them try it again. Don’t be ashamed if you have to resort to some of my tactics here. I share them freely with other parent-partners-in-healthy-eating.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Weigh in on Thanksgiving

Check out the new survey on the WFPB blog!

Thanksgiving Twist

With Thanksgiving coming upon us, you'll want to check out Whole Food's website for alternative recipes. In my family, I know I can't convince people to forego turkey; my husband can't wait to have turkey! There would be a revolt if I even mentioned it, and I'm not hosting so I can't impose that on other people anyway.

I am looking around for good harvest recipes so I can bring some different dishes. I know I don't want to end my Thanksgiving day with my pants unbuttoned because I'm so full, but I now some people are probably looking forward to that experience.

I have found some great recipes at the Whole Food's site that I'm going to try, such as the Lentil Loaf. I recently made Quinoa Cakes, and they were delish! I shared them with a friend  and she loved them (right Julie? -chime in!). These recipes are both reminiscent of stuffing, and I'm still on the hunt for a good veggie dish to bring as well. Another great site is the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, by PCRM.

So, as you plan for Thanksgiving, take  a baby step. Think: whole foods, plant-based, nutrient rich, healthy fat. Add one dish that is an alternative to your traditional meal. Why not try a low-fat version of sweet potatoes, for example. Sweet potatoes are so good for you, but we generally slather them with butter and marshmellows.

The baby step for this week is try a new Thanksgiving dish and share your experience here. What are you planning on making?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Healthy Oils: Omega-3s

The style of this post is different. I'm shifting modes from stories about experiences with Whole Foods, Plant-Based (WFPB) eating with kids to a little education. Why? I firmly believe you have to know why to change in order to change. That change will then impact your entire family.

Our topic for today is omega-3s. We've all probably heard about these "good" fatty acids that need to be part of our diet, but how does this work?

The first thing to know is that omega-6s, the "bad" fatty acids, compete with omega-3s, "making them less available to your body. The ideal dietary ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s is about two to one, but people eating the standard American diet today typically have a ratio of more like fifteen to one."

Wow. There are so many benefits of omega-3s, and we'll review just a few: "They have been shown to:
  • reverse heart disease
  • boost immune function
  • fight degenerative disease
  • enhance fertility
  • improve mental health
  • promote healthy skin
An adequate supply makes you:
  • less vulnerable to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
  • less likely to have asthmas
  • less prone to many mental and emotional disorders, including depression and Alzheimer's"
Good sources of omega-3s include flaxseed and flax oil, fatty wild fish like salmon, herring, mackarel, and sardines. Lesser amounts are found in walnuts, hemp seeds, leafy greens and canola and soy oil.

Flaxseeds prove to be the best choice because they contain "lignans that lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer." And flaxseeds "contain none of the pollutants and heavy metals ... that are increasingly common in today's fish."

So, what should a responsible parent do? In our family, we buy ground flaxseed and I freeze it. It must be kept cold to stay fresh. I put smaller amounts in a shaker (kept in the fridge) and we "shake" the flaxseed on everything. My kids think it takes like nothing, and they don't mind putting it on PB&J, in soups, etc. However, I think it has a mild nutty flavor. This is one easy thing you can do this week to improve your health and your family's.

Take Action
But how do you keep those omega-6s down? You won't like this answer. John Robbins, the author I've been quoting here, recommends three steps:

  • Get most of your fat from whole plant foods (are you surprised???) such as nuts, seeds, and avacados.
  • Use extra-virgin olive oil or canola oil rather than oils high in omega-6s such as sunflower, safflore or corn oil. (Start checking your labels! You'll be surprised at how many foods contain these oils.)
  • Limit your consumption of processed and fried foods, and avoid anything even partially hydrogenated, for these are often high-omega-6 oils (see a previous post).
Baby Steps
know, you probably groaned at the last one especially. Remember: baby steps. Instead of immediately banning all fried foods, instead of the fries with your burger, get a salad next time. Encourage your kids to get a side of veggies. Share a side of fries and have everyone get a veggie side. Remember, you are transitioning. It's not a race. This is for the long term.

Break out some flaxseed and try it with some of your lunches. Or, put it on the dinner table and require everyone to at least sprinkle a little bit on their food. Any change is a good step toward WFPB success. Share your stories! We want to hear about your successes and failures.

(All quotes from John Robbins "Healthy at 100," also author of "Diet for a New America.")

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today's post focuses on healthy snacks. Unless you offer healthy options, kids inevitably choose their favorite standby.

Our girls love french fries. Their mom loves french fries. On the rare occasion, we treat ourselves to fast food fries; however, it is really possible to enjoy these on a regular basis, if I make them at home.

After school today, I was chopping potatoes for a soup. I had about half a potato leftover and decided to slice it into little rounds and pop them into the toaster oven for an after-school snack.

As soon as the girls entered the house, they could smell the potatoes roasting. It was a fun treat, and the possibilities are endless here: rounds, matchsticks, chunky fries, julienne, etc.

One thing that is tricky about making these fries is cutting all of the shapes the same width and depth. Otherwise, the cook at different speeds. Our girls don't like brown spots on their fries (which is, to me, the best part when it really gets toasted). A friend, and chef, recently gave me this tip for even cooking: put the slices or fries on a plate and zap them in the microwave for a minute to get them started. Then, pop them in the oven. Lightly salt when done.

Best french fry practices:

  • Use either a basic Idaho potato or try sweet potatoes!
  • Use a spray oil with your pan, or you'll be scraping off the potatoes, trying to salvage precious bites.
  • Preheat your oven at 425, and time your potatoes. The thicker the slice, the longer they'll need to bake.
  • And, please, DO NOT fry these. They are healthy BECAUSE you are baking them and not dipping them in oil. 

Don't forget to make it fun. Let your kids help if they want to. The more we bake and cook here, the more interested Lourdes and Nelia seem in eating the food. I'm teaching Lourdes to follow a recipe on her own right now, and it's so much fun. Or simply let them pig out on the fries. We serve ours with organic ketchup from Trader Joe's that contains "organic tomato purée, organic sugar, organic white vinegar, salt, organic onion powder, organic spieces." It contains no partially hydrogenated soybean oil.

Enjoy! Share what new snack you try in your house.